Doubters, dreamers, and mending broken hearts

“Doubters are just dreamers with broken hearts.” – Atticus Why do we dream? Why do we doubt? In the tension between dreaming of what could be and doubting those same possibilities lies a valley of broken hearts. For every Little Engine that Could...

Who says you can’t?!

“Jon, writing isn’t your strong suit.” My English professor’s words rang in my ears. I was three weeks into her class with three grades on the weekly two-page papers: C+, D, and F. Three papers, each of them with regressively worse grades. It...

How your mind, heart, and gut determine your success

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” – Aristotle Think about what makes you… you. Your brain is more than six pounds of gray matter; it’s the cranial hub for billions of neural pathways and firing synapses exploding into muscular actions...

Dream Chaser: Aaron McHugh

Every once in a while I like to feature another dream chaser, someone hustling their way to a better tomorrow. These are people I’m blessed to cross paths with, encourage, and serve in their work. Believe me, your life will be richer and better because you get...