On Saturday I asked Kara to marry me.


(Side bar: this is a big reason why I haven’t blogged much this past week and a half.)

It hasn’t quite hit me yet what this all means and I’m sure I’ll be learning more as the weeks and months go by. I’m engaged…wow!

The reality that has started to sink in is that the passages about “husbands love your wives as Christ loved the Church” have already started to take on a whole new meaning.

I don’t know about you but I think loving someone as Christ loved us is an impossible task. Honestly, it seems overwhelming when I step back to consider what that implies. Christ is God, end of story. He’s perfect. I’m not. I have my flaws, my imperfections, and my shortcomings so the imitation of perfection is…daunting, to say the least.

There’s not a doubt in my mind about my love for Kara but it’s not perfect love; it’s my love. It’s the love that I can give as much as a broken and imperfect man can love someone made in the image of God. But I don’t have to be Christ, only He can fill that role. I have to let Christ be in me and to be the man I was created to be.

Honestly, my growing prayer is that I can most completely fulfill the calling that God has created for me. I want to be the best man that God has created me to be for Kara and for His name.

For now though I’m pretty content with just grinning like an idiot. She said yes!