People have a memory problem. You, me, we have a problem with our memory. We remember what we should forget. We forget what we should remember.

It’s not about the grocery list or the errands to run or the names to remember. It’s bigger than whatever is written on that one sticky note on the bathroom mirror. It’s about the fact that we remember our mistakes far too often. I do it. You do it. We all remember our mistakes and are pretty quick to recall them at a moment’s notice. That one time you screwed up? Yep, you remember that time but the thing is that you keep reopening that wound each time you think about it.

We forget things too. It’s bigger than just walking into a room and forgetting why you’re there. It’s bigger than forgetting where you put your glasses or your cell phone or keys. It’s forgetting what we’ve learned. It’s forgetting where we’ve been. We forget how God brought us to where we’re at now and what it was like to grow to the place where we’re at now.

As someone who’s his own worst critic I can safely say that I know what it’s like to have a memory problem. For years I’ve beaten myself up for any mistakes in my past and I forget what God has brought me through til now. For you and I, we need to get this memory problem fixed.

Quit remembering the shame of your mistakes. Quit being so quick to recall those times where you just plain screwed up. Quit hitting repeat on the track list of your greatest train wrecks.

Now’s your chance to fix your memory problems. Remember what you should remember: who God is and who you’re not. Forget what’s behind without forgetting the lessons that it taught you.