New year.  New calendar.  New attitude.  We’ve probably heard more than enough about the New Year but probably not much about resolutions because, let’s face it, making resolutions isn’t hip or cool or chic anymore.  Most resolutions are dropped in a few days anyways so why wait until New Year’s to start changing your patterns?

If you’re serious about changes that need to happen in your life, that God has shown you that need to be changed, why wouldn’t you put a plan in place now to see changes begin to happen?  That’s what I’ve done for my life.  I’ve put together a list of the things that I want to see changed and improved in my life that I began to work on before the New Year began.

By the grace of God, here’s what I want to see changed in me in 2011…

  • I want to tame my tongue more this year.  It’s not just about profanity, although that has been a struggle of mine in times past, it’s about keeping myself from gossip, slander, complaining, and even verbally bashing myself when I make mistakes.
  • I want to think more before I speak.  By my nature I’m a “Ready, Fire, Aim” type of guy and I want to take three seconds, think, evaluate, and then speak.
  • I want to plan out my blog posts weeks in advance.  So far things are going well and I’m all planned out til late January.  This is one of the building blocks in my dreams to be a writer and it’s an important part of my everyday life.
  • I want to be more careful in my spending.  I struggled with finances throughout college and the first few years afterward.  Things have improved and are very good now but I have some decisions to make about my future, like grad school loans, that will demand some good financial planning.
  • I want to climb at least three 14ers.  If you don’t know what 14ers are, those are the names of all the mountains in Colorado over 14,000 feet in altitude.

I don’t know how these will hold up throughout the weeks and months to come but I’m excited to see how God will work through them.