I first became aware of the term microclimate about a year ago. According to Wikipedia, microclimate is a small area that differs in climate than the surrounding area. I went to the Denver Botanic Gardens for an afternoon last April and entered a microclimate as soon as I stepped inside.

Even though the gardens are right in the heart of Denver, there are massive hedges enclosing the entire perimeter. There was beauty everywhere I looked but what was even more important, there was peace. It was quiet. It was peaceful. It was quiet. Taxis were flying by outside but you wouldn’t know it because the vibe and feeling is so much different.

In different parts of the garden I could see little pockets of seclusion tucked off the main paths. It was a stressful time for me with grad school, wedding planning, ministry, and a variety of other things on my radar. When I first started in the garden, relaxing and resting were the farthest things from my mind. The longer I spent in the garden though, the more I realized that I need microclimates in my everyday life.

Microclimates give us little pockets of peace and places where you can just take a deep breath. Some people call these their “God spots” or their “God places,” places where they can disconnect from the world for a few minutes and connect with their Heavenly Father.

It might start with turning off the radio while you drive. Maybe you don’t make that extra phone call during lunch; maybe you take a walk instead. Maybe it means you get up a little early and spend time by the pond at a local park.

Create microclimates in your everyday life. Find those places where you can pray, sit, think, talk out loud, read, take a deep breath, whatever it is that creates gap and deafens the noise of life for just a moment. Notice the difference between the chaos of life and the peace of a God-saturated microclimate.