What’s stopping you from creating the life you want?

In the past six months, I’ve heard more people tell me, “I just wish I could live the life I really want.” And my usual response is, “What’s stopping you?” And then the excuses start. There are some legitimate excuses, like financial obligations (read: debt) or personal responsibilities (caring for an aging parent).

Creating the life you want - writetojoncook

For the most part though, the reasons people give are convenient crutches that are keeping them from running in a fantastic new direction. It’s hard to run if you’re relying on crutches. Here are some of the more common excuses I hear…

“If I only had the right degree…”

If that’s truly the case, then you need to create a game plan to get the right degree, make time in your schedule, and go back to school. By the way, a new degree doesn’t guarantee your success.

“If I only knew the right people…”

Guess what? Meetup.com, LinkedIn, your already established business network, even friends, family, and whatever other connections you have are all great starting points. Pick up the phone. Send an email. Ask for an introduction. You have not because you ask not.

“If I only had more time…”

You, me, Mark Cuban, and the President of the United States are all given the exact same amount of time every single day. How we choose to invest that time says more about our priorities and attitude than anything else. You don’t have the time to create the life you want because you haven’t prioritized that time. I know single moms who built fantastic companies after their kids went to bed or during their lunch breaks. Time is not the issue; priorities and the willingness to sacrifice are.

“If I only had more opportunity…”

There are over one billion people living in India. English is not one of the native languages, and yet, for the past fifteen years, Indian villagers have used English Windows PC kiosks to develop into some of the best computer programmers in the world. (BBC, Web Kiosks for India’s villagers) Do NOT let opportunity be an excuse for creating the best life you can.

Start creating the life you want today

You will never live the life you want as long as you let an excuse stand in your way. It may sound harsh, even ignorant (“But you don’t know my situation!”), but it’s up to you to do something about it. You have an extraordinary set of God-given talents and potential. You are the one with the opportunity to create the best life you can. The richer and more fulfilling your life is, the better you can bless the world around you.

Get rid of your excuses. Create a game plan for a better future. Start creating the life you want today!