Why your calling has very little to do with you

Why are you here? This is a huge question people ask because we seek purpose: why am I here? It’s a very existential, personal, and profound question. As with many western thinkers, Christians in America (including yours truly) have turned “calling”...

You Control Your Climate

I live in Colorado and I’ve seen gnarly storms come screaming over the mountains that make the temperature drop 50 degrees or more in one hour. Sunshine one minute, blizzard and ice an hour later. I’ve also seen the climate of a room change with one single...

Under the surface

It’s hard to see things under the surface of water. The light and waves distort what we see. Water warps and bends and changes our perspective on things that are just barely under the surface. Sometimes it’s very difficult to see what’s only a few...

The Writing on My Fridge

I’m a big fan of receiving hand-written notes from people. Most of my refrigerator is covered with hand-written notes from a whole variety of people. Whether it’s a birthday card, Christmas letters, or even a random note I will hold onto those notes and...

Lonely Virtual Islands

Much of our world today is made up of virtual reality.  Social networking, text messages, online gaming, e-mails, even online church campuses try to combine our innate desire for community and the power of technology today.  We love making “connections”...