Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael HyattI’ve followed Michael Hyatt on his blog for the past five years. Michael is an exceptional blogger, leader, and productivity enhancer. When I heard he was writing a book to help entrepreneurs find their platform, I was excited to see the results.

Enter Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt. He begins with the premise of anyone needing to share their message is in need of a platform. Entrepreneurs need an elevated opportunity to shout to the world our intrinsic value and selling points.

It’s not about ego or being the center of attention. It is about having something of value to others and finding the most powerful way of getting that message to others who can benefit from it. (Introduction)

Hyatt goes into great detail covering everything from best practices Twitter to setting up a Facebook page, product launches to protecting intellectual property, and much more. Part of my job is doing much of what Hyatt talked about, and even I still came away with new ideas and better understanding.

This should be “required reading” for any entrepreneur, no matter how long you’ve been on your own. In fact, each of my three newest clients came away with instructions to read this book. If you’re looking for the best way to find your platform, this is the first place I’d start.

I haven’t personally met Michael Hyatt yet, but hopefully that will change soon. Much of what I do as an entrepreneur, blogger, and leader can be tied to his wisdom over the past five years. This is the latest tribute to helping others find their voice.

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World can be purchased through Michael’s product listings or through Amazon. If you’d like to continue discovering your platform, check out Platform University.