thankfulA friend of mine recently mentioned she starts every day listing 10 things she’s grateful for. I’ve started making my own mental list each morning. It changes a little from day-to-day, but I highly recommend trying it for a fresh perspective.

1. The Gospel. If there’s one thing God’s reminded me of this year, it’s the scandal of His grace and my need for it.

2. Kara. This year I’ve learned more about what love really is through Kara. She works incredible hours and supports my work in such selfless ways.

3. Pursuing my dream. God continues to bless my work through Keynote Content in ways that astound me. I get to help people build their dreams and refine their messages and I have to pinch myself on a regular basis.

4. Being close with family. I know many people who are not close to their family geographically and relationally. Having both those realities is a huge blessing.

5. A great new community of friends. Kara and I love our small group. You are the community we’ve been craving for several months and we love Tuesday nights with you.

6. A thriving, Gospel-centered church to worship and serve with in God’s bigger plan. We are blown away by the love and support of Harvest Bible Chapel.

7. Good health. Many friends and family members have experienced a variety of medical struggles this year and I’m very grateful for good health for both Kara and me.

8. My blogging tribe. 2,300 of you are walking with me through this blog. You share your encouragement, push back, two cents, and words of wisdom in ways that make my life richer and deeper.

9.  Gracious friends who helped us transition into Denver: the Cobbles, Weinmasters, and Greg Kremer. When Kara and I decided to move back to Denver, we entered the long process of selling our home in St. Louis and navigating a ferocious housing market here in Denver. The Cobbles, Weinmasters, and Greg all blessed us with places to stay, kitchens to cook in, and families to enjoy while we lived out of suitcases.

10. Freedom. Freedom to share my opinion, to believe what I want, to talk and learn with people who believe very differently from me, and to be wrong at times with the opportunity to admit it.

May you be blessed for the many of you who have been a blessing to me this year. Happy Thanksgiving!